The Bachelor is Back! 5 Untold Behind-The-Scene Stories & Reflecting on My Season

It’s been four years since I stepped out of that limo and even looking back on it now it still feels like a dream. Did that really even happen? Only 23 years old, I was so naïve about what was to come. With the re-airing of past seasons on ABC’s newest show, The Bachelor: The Greatest Seasons – Ever!, I’m flooded with so many memories from filming Season 20 of The Bachelor and feeling very grateful for what the show taught me about myself. Thank you to those of you who have been here since the beginning and to all of the new faces – welcome 🥰. As a little trip down memory lane, thought I would share some personal behind-the-scenes moments that might make you laugh… because you better believe back in 2016 we had some laughs filming it.

5 Bachelor Behind-The-Scenes Stories

  1. You Will Never Guess Which Girl Intimidated Me Most Out of the Limo on Night One

    Even though I pulled up in the limo sitting next to two beauties like Lauren Bushnell and Amanda Stanton, they were so sweet and disarming that I quickly felt like I could be friends with them night one. Never feeling nerves like this in my entire life, I couldn’t help but take a big gulp of champagne and remind myself to be present & to silence the inner voice that wants to compare you to every stunning beauty in the room.

    Just like the 30 women that waited inside, The Bachelor Mansion was looking it’s absolute best after the driveway was hosed down with water so it would glitter in the night and all of the bushes adorned in fake roses so they looked in full bloom for camera. It wasn’t until I stepped inside and met all of the single ladies that I really felt the magnitude of what I signed up for. Looking around the room full of drop-dead-gorgeous, accomplished women, the one who intimidated me the most was Leah Block in a silver crystal floor-length gown. She just seemed so cool and such a “guy’s-girl” as she held a football under her arm after her limo entrance and knew every fact about the Denver Broncos. After getting to know her more – I was right, she is totally someone who can hold her own hanging with the guys, and also turned out to be as sweet as can be.

  2. Filling Our Time in the House

    We weren’t allowed many activities while in the mansion – no books, TV, games, internet, etc. So, there were limited options for how we could spend our time. We spent most of our days in the mansion either enjoying the sun by the pool or painting each other’s nails. I even remember there was one day where I painted my nails THREE times just to pass the time by. Luckily I had a hot tub date with Kevin Hart the next day, so you know my nails were looking good. 😂

  3. Jojo’s Suitcase Fiasco

    Each woman on the show was only allowed to bring two large suitcases for the entire three months of filming. Squeezing your entire life into two suitcases and not being sure what kind of weather, activities, dates you’d be going on is a harder task than you think –  believe me!

    Our first international travel destination was historic Mexico City. After our plane landed we all collected our luggage from the baggage claim.. well that is except for one of us. Sadly Jojo’s suitcase never arrived at first, so we waited and waited. But little did we know, her suitcase had arrived just not how we expected. When we finally saw her poor suitcase come around the corner of the conveyer belt it had exploded and had clothes half coming out of its mouth. I felt so bad for Jojo as they tried to put all of her clothes in a life-size plastic bag, but the zipper had ripped in half during its travels. Jojo took it like a champ and we all had a good laugh about the whole thing.

  4. When I thought A Dead Animal Got In Our Hotel Room

    I was in bed while visiting Ben’s hometown of Warsaw, Indiana when I looked to my left and thought an animal had gotten into the hotel room. I screamed inside and hopped out of bed, before realizing it was one of Becca Tilly’s clip-in extensions! Becca was so sweet not to laugh too hard at me and calming my nerves by assuring me it wouldn’t bite 😂 I looked almost as scared as our Bahamas group date, as the girls got attacked on the island of pigs. I still have Becca to thank for teaching me so many beauty tips on our season, like the life-changer that is dry shampoo 🙌

  5. That Time I Stripped Off My Clothes in Las Vegas

    While in Las Vegas, there was a week in which I didn’t have a date. When this happens, the producers keep you under lock and key in the hotel room to prevent any possible spoilers or pictures from getting out to the public. I wasn’t allowed out of the hotel room all week and lived vicariously through the people I watched through the window below, making up stories for each group of tourists lounging by the pool. Of course, we were in an epic suite on the top floor of the Aria Resort & Casino, so I had some beautiful views to keep me company. But still, I couldn’t help but envy the rest of the girls out on dates as we could see them from our window – hopping on helicopters or slipping into vintage Vegas wedding dresses.

    By the time the rose ceremony arrived, I was just thrilled to get some fresh air and be outside. We found our way to Chris Harrison standing on top of a clear glass stage built on top of a pool. You could see the water dancing below your heels as we patiently waited & hoped for one of the thornless roses that evening. One after another names were called as women collected their petaled prizes and we could all breathe a sigh of relief. But I needed more than just a rose to get relief after being cooped up all of that time. Filming had finished at midnight and the remaining women were all just sitting by the pool, so I spontaneously stripped of my sequined dress and dove in for a swim. I didn’t care that I was swimming alone or seemed like a nut, that water felt so freeing and it was totally worth the sopping wet walk back to the suite.

A Little Moment of Reflection

I’ve done a lot of reflecting since those three months of filming The Bachelor, I wish I could go to my 23-year-old self and give her a hug. I was so young and thought I knew everything about love. But boy, did I have so much more to learn. I watched my tears back after being broken up with and feel both – proud of the girl that got out of the car to ask questions for closure and also -dumbfounded at how naïve I was for not seeing it coming.

Honestly, if there was anything I could change about myself during the show – I wish I would’ve just chilled out and enjoyed the ride a little more. I was so buttoned up and overthinking the whole experience, it took away from me making more genuine friendships and having plain old fun.

Looking back, I see I was constantly concerned with how to portray the best version of myself and it held me back. I wish I had that extra glass of wine with the girls on the beach in the Bahamas or ordered those late-night Chick-Fil-A waffle fries on the bus.

I overthought things to the point that it hindered me from having fun and enjoying all that this experience had to offer. Watching myself back on screen during The Bachelor: Greatest Seasons Ever reminds me to take a deep breath & enjoy the journey, not just think about the destination. From the bottom of my heart, I truly am eternally grateful to the show for what it’s taught me and the life it’s led me to. Although I can’t rewind time as easily as this recording of The Bachelor, I’m promising myself the future holds more “hair down” strip your clothes off and jump in the pool moments. 💛

p.s. Tonight’s episode is Nick’s big Bachelor debut! This is the most exciting part of this reunion episode for me because I get to officially share the man I love with all of you. He was unbelievably supportive and bonded with Harrison a bit during our 20 minute interview chat. I think only about 3 minutes total will air, but it means a lot to share a part of my past with him, since he is my future.




  1. June 22, 2020 / 5:37 pm

    You were and still are my favorite thing about Ben’s season. The moment you got back out of the car, I pumped my fist in the air! I wanted you oh so badly to be Bachelorette, but in hindsight I’m glad you weren’t because your journey brought you to Nick, and you guys are the cutest. Excited to rewatch all your great moments tonight. Love you!

    • June 23, 2020 / 10:04 am

      Aww yay! Love seeing your beautiful face, Christine over the years, hope you’ve been well!

  2. Patty Pierce
    June 22, 2020 / 9:24 pm

    You are the real deal! beautiful! 🙂

  3. Carolina Estrella
    June 23, 2020 / 8:35 am

    I’m glad it held a special memory for you. You’re a very beautiful person. Be true to yourself and live life to the fullest 😊💐👍

    • June 23, 2020 / 10:05 am

      Thank you Carolina! Time has truly flown, can’t believe it’s been four years 🙈🌹

  4. Lizzie
    June 23, 2020 / 10:17 am

    Such a fun post! It’s been aa while since I watched but it’s really cool to get your perspective about being on the show!


    • June 23, 2020 / 10:20 am

      Aww thank you! Can’t believe it’s been four years, but it’s fun to look back on old memories 🌹

  5. aadam Daya
    June 23, 2020 / 10:30 am

    Hi Caila I saw you on Bachelor you look so pretty in your lovely dress, your smile and voice are so lovely, your the nicest woman anyone has ever met, I was so upset when Ben broke your heart I was saying in my head, nòoooo Nooooo when Ben sent you home

  6. June 23, 2020 / 10:35 am

    I don’t watch the Bachelor a lot but how fun that you were on the show! It sounds like it was a great learning experience for you!

  7. June 23, 2020 / 1:53 pm

    I have never watched an episode of Bachelor. I enjoyed reading your BTS stories. Must have been quite an experience for you. P.S. You are so pretty.


  8. June 23, 2020 / 7:53 pm

    Oh my gosh, I love this!!! I never would have thought you weren’t allowed to READ while filming! So nutty. Loved your season!


    • June 24, 2020 / 8:30 am

      Aww thank you, Rachel! It was such a bubble with no technology – but also very liberating!

  9. June 23, 2020 / 11:12 pm

    Like!! I blog quite often and I genuinely thank you for your information. The article has truly peaked my interest.

    • June 24, 2020 / 8:31 am

      Aww thank you! So happy ou liked it!

  10. June 24, 2020 / 7:32 am

    What a fun post! I don’t watch but I know it has such a following and that you were on it! xoxo, Sarah

  11. June 24, 2020 / 10:39 am

    I watched this the other day, and thought of your blog actually. You’ve definitely come a long way since your season and I’m so proud of you for being able to take the reigns and become a content creator so successfully. Well done girl!

    • June 28, 2020 / 8:14 am

      Aww thank you! That is so sweet, really appreciate that!

  12. Sarah T.
    June 24, 2020 / 6:38 pm

    Ben’s season was one of the first seasons I had ever watched and I remembered being such a big fan of the way you carried yourself on the show. It was also great seeing an Asian contestant on the show!

    • June 28, 2020 / 8:14 am

      Aww thank you! Can’t believe it’s been four years!

  13. June 25, 2020 / 6:19 am

    still can’t believe you were on the bachelor! so cool and can’t wait for the new season!

    cute & little

    • June 28, 2020 / 8:18 am

      Aww thank you Kileen! Can’t wait for the new season too!

  14. Anna English
    June 25, 2020 / 6:36 am

    I loved watching you on Ben’s season, and even more so how you transitioned to blogging after the fact. You are such a refreshing breath of fresh air! This was a fun read, thanks for sharing!

    • June 28, 2020 / 8:19 am

      Of course! So happy you like the throwback 🌹

  15. Nailil
    June 26, 2020 / 5:55 pm

    I had no idea your were on The Bachelor! Seems like an experience to never forget. 🙂

    Xx, Nailil

  16. June 29, 2020 / 7:27 am

    These are hilarious behind the scenes moments! Totally need to know why you weren’t allowed to read books though??!?!

    • July 1, 2020 / 3:26 pm

      So glad you like them, Caitlin! And I think it’s because they don’t want us off reading on our own. So, with no distractions and nothing else to do we all have to hang out and talk — good way to get to know the other girls!

  17. June 30, 2020 / 1:06 pm

    Loved watching you on the Bachelor! Also the bahamas pig scene will never get old 😛
    Brianna |

    • July 1, 2020 / 3:24 pm

      Aw thank you, Brianna! And that scene makes me laugh every time 😂