My 30th Birthday – A Decade in Review

How do I even sum up this last decade of life in a few words? December 10th is my 30th birthday and all I can do is hold my breath. As I set aside this morning to reflect in a moment of gratitude, I just am at a loss for words for how thankful I am.

If someone asked the 20-year-old me where I would be at 30, I probably would have told you that I would like to work in the marketing department for some big clothing company or retailer. At the time, I lived in Boston and was an intern at TJX corporate (TJMaxx and Marshalls). I thought I’d want a conventional life, working behind a desk, maybe even having a family over the next 10 years. But at that young age, I didn’t know how hard it would be to find love. Not just any kind of love, but the right kind of love… for my career, for my friends, and for myself.

As I turn 30, in this moment, I give everything to God and His timing. Sitting at our kitchen island, under the glow of the fluorescent light at 6 in the morning while the rest of the world is asleep, I am in awe of the man I married and the Austin home we’ve created together this year. My life is greater, and more different, than I could’ve ever imagined. But how did I get here? Where did this decade go? On the eve of my 30th birthday, I thought I’d reflect and share some major moments over the past 10 years that have gotten me to this point.


A Decade in Review – Goodbye 20s

✨ 2011 at age 20

Studying Abroad in Germany & picking strawberries with my host family to make jam.


2012 at age 21

Intern at the London Olympics 

2013 at age 22

Discovered a Love for Photography & Content Creation

2014 Graduated From Boston College

2015 Rented my first apartment in Boston for $700/ month and worked in Software Sales 


2016 at age 25

Went to LA to film The Bachelor for 3 months, life would never be the same. 

2017 at age 26

Solo travels through Spain, Moved to a Studio Apartment in New York City, started a Blog, & learned to love who I was.

I no longer needed to find someone to be happy. I was simply grateful for this single stage in life and I wanted to make the most of it. 

2018 at age 27

And just when I gave up on love… 

2019 at age 28

We move in together in Dumbo, Brooklyn. 

2020 at age 29 

Got engaged and started planning a wedding in Italy. Then the pandemic had other plans & it made us stronger navigating this time together. 

2021 by age 30

Married the love of my life in Sarasota, Florida with everyone I care about around us. And  then we started our newlywed chapter by moving from Brooklyn, New York to Austin, Texas and purchasing our first ever home! 

My 20s were years of self-discovery, creative expression, and unbelievable adventures. I gathered stories that even you wouldn’t believe are true, and now at 30, I want to live for others. I know my purpose in life is to be a mother and I can only pray I get the opportunity to see that through, but as I learned throughout the many milestones of my 20s, I need to live in gratitude for the current chapter I’m in… so I’m making the most of having days that hold no plans but to wake up late and go to sleep early, exploring coffee shops with quirky names in Austin or getting cocktails with girlfriends until the clock strikes midnight. 

I am sure I’ll learn many more lessons in the decade to come, but if I’ve learned anything up until this point in life, it’s that the key to happiness is to… Love The Chapter You’re In. 



  1. Clee
    December 10, 2021 / 4:13 pm

    Sweetly written. Happy 30.

  2. Kat
    December 10, 2021 / 10:31 pm

    Happy Happy Birthday Caila 😉

  3. Aadam
    December 10, 2021 / 10:53 pm

    Happy birthday caila to the nicest greatest person ever may you live a long and healthy life, may you always find happiness and peace, you are a blessing I am so blessed to have you as my friend

  4. Sarah
    December 11, 2021 / 9:47 pm

    Beautiful. Love the chapter —be present!! Amen!